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I Found my Happiness

I used to think that in order to find happiness, we have to double our efforts in working towards a happy life. If we get a promotion at work, earn a six-digit monthly salary, travel abroad, or even meet a perfect partner, then we will be happy.

However, contrary to what I used to think, I know so many people who were able to reach their stardom but are still unhappy. And as for me, whenever I look back at my happy moments, honestly, it doesn't involve any of those things. My happy moments were nothing grand. Usually not sophisticated. Looking closer into my happy cup and what makes it full, I realized that most of them came from my supermundane and spontaneous encounters with life itself. And when I think back on them, they really have this magical effect on me that could instantly put a wide smile on my face or trigger a little laugh even if it means laughing all by myself. These collective happy memories in my head such as remembering how my cat ran in a circle nonstop to catch her tail, enjoying the touch of the morning sun on my bare skin, the smell of old books, the drops of rain in my windowpane, building small talk with jeepney drivers or with a stranger on a grocery line, or even just merely trying out champurrado in your newly found restaurant.

As I get mature [in all aspects of life], I've discovered one obvious secret to a happy life: IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE COMPLICATED. It is not waiting around for some perfect outcome but collecting small moments of joy in our daily lives. It doesn't have to be conditional nor something we need to dedicate our whole lifetime chasing it.

SINCE I reframed my mind with this perspective, I started seeing the abundance of opportunities to be happy. NOW, under any circumstance, I can confidently say that I can always choose to be happy. Today, allow me to share with you three things that helped me in channeling my inner happy spirit. I know for a fact that the journey to finding it [happiness] could vary from one person to another, but here are three things that worked for me which you might consider doing as well or perhaps, do something better: Let me know what you think!


If one cannot find joy in a hot cup of coffee, then it will be harder for him to find pleasure in luxuries either. Appreciating small things has the power to lighten and brighten everything around you. We all know for sure that life is a series of gloomy and bright days. It could get messy sometimes or the other way around. Hence, if you let your happiness depend on your changing environment, then you might lose yourself in the process. SO FOR ME, choosing to see the silver lining of situations instead of focusing my energy on things that I have less control over is one of the most incredible decisions I've made.

Make gratefulness so natural to you until it becomes you. And once you know how to look at life through a lens of gratitude, everything will become lighter. I also encountered in the bible a verse from 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that says, "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." These words from the bible gave me an assurance that yes, the Lord will not allow his children to drown in suffering.


Dealing with difficult people is worse, how much more is staying close with them? It is important for us to critically analyze what type of people we are surrounded with and what kind of influence they are bringing into our life. Sometimes, you'll meet people who will unintentionally drain you, while others can become your potential mentors who will guide you in the course of life. Either way, it is up to you whom you will allow to contribute to the person you are becoming. But you might ask, "how about when the very reason why you feel less excited about life or get discouraged is because of your own family? What shall I do about them?"

I would like to tell you right now that your family was given to you for a reason. Pray that God will empower you so much that you can be able to stand and fight not just for yourself but for your family. Planting hate towards them will do no good, so don't give up on them. DO NOT GIVE UP on giving them the same love that you received from the Lord.


I used to be a worrier. I used to spend time overthinking about things which are definitely beyond my control. In fact, this Evening Thoughts platform is the birth child of my worrier self. I used to have sleepless nights, wide awake waiting for my thoughts to fade into the background. Back in my early teenage years, I allowed myself to be consumed by thoughts like "How do others think about me?", "Did I offend someone?", "Can I really make it?" and lots of other unnecessary things which I now labeled as trash. Fortunately, seven years ago, the Lord intervened. By His grace, I was able to encounter His great love which made me realize that only through TOTAL SURRENDER TO HIM that I could live a less dramatic life. Indeed, encountering him was the best decision I've ever made.

As you can see, these three points are so simple but personally, it took me quite some time to practice and master them daily. And whenever I can feel the disconnect from my happiness, I always make time to stop to identify which things are stealing my genuine joys. But more importantly, seeking happiness also means seeking an intimate relationship with the Lord. Only through extreme closeness with Him, you can see all the beauty of all that is in the universe.

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