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Writer's picturemieracles

Lead me to You

I'm no expert at directions. Countless times, I had to take U-turns on my decisions to get back on track. I've had many careful slowdowns especially on navigating narrow streets. I passed through bumpy roads, drove up through busy towns, and had a couple of experiences crossing unknown boundaries. As I started young in my make-believe solo travels, here are some of the things I learned from my journey. Some of the items here, I learned early but some are still living in my 'if-only-I-had' list. Hence, sharing them with you so that you can avoid unnecessary mistakes as you discover your own path toward the north.


As much as we all desire big wins, our small steps every day also deserves celebration. Your 1% progress is still progress. It's easy to get overwhelmed these days, especially now that social media is letting us think that someone is always ahead of us.

Young one, it can be terribly hard, but to appreciate the season even if nothing blooms can make such a huge impact on how you are going to view life. The grassroots of a grateful heart is being appreciative even of the smallest things at hand. Never regret making time for small things. As you read this, let me encourage you also with this reminder:

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. -Luke 16:10


Have you ever been in a situation wherein everything is like a race to chase sunsets? Sunsets are beautiful especially when they look closer to you but whenever you feel like you're about to reach your horizons, they seem to move away... inviting you to come closer again. And again. And again. Until you tire yourself out.

So much like our self-declared dreams. I was very careful on this one thing, never pursue something unless you know it is God-given. Your dreams no matter how alluring they are, if you are not called to do them, they might end up hurting you. Certainly, we hold numerous plans in our hearts but it is God who knows where and who you should really become. It can be quite disagreeable I know, but as you go through life, I pray that you'll keep a soul who is seeking and always inquiring about what the Lord wants, more than what you alone desire.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. -Proverbs 19:21


To finally drive up around and meet people along the road or see them cheering for you is such a rewarding feeling. However, it's not always picture-perfect. What will you do when you come to a point where nobody is around? You feel down. Alone in the Dark. Out of gas. How will you keep moving?

As I look back, I remember I've had a fair share of ugly cries when I was in that same situation. Even so, I also remember how gracious the Lord was during those dark nights. Just when I thought I was alone, He spoke His words to me as if I was blameless, pure, and kind. I can't help but smile every time I will recall how gentle He was when He enfolded me in His arms. Ran His fingers through my hair and stayed embracing me until the sobbing subsided.

Since then, I made it a discipline that instead of magnifying the problems or negative emotions in my life, I do things that will brighten my soul and that is only through reading the word of God.

I cannot change the dark long isolated roads ahead. I also know for a fact that I cannot sustain my own gas alone. Therefore, His lights will remain as my only fuel to continue to change, evolve, and move.

It's amazing how I always find His feet to my side whenever I am wandering alone. Indeed, He never gives up on His people. The Lord remains as my shepherd, leading me beside still waters, singing over me with the sweetness of His voice. I know He can also do the same for you.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. -Psalm 23:4

As we take this journey, we all have the freedom to choose to trust that the Shepherd has His staff to steady our thoughts and chase away our negative emotions. If you are this person and you feel like wanting to know God more in your life, say this short prayer with me:

I don't want to do it alone anymore, Jesus.
Shepherd my heart.
Shepherd my mind.
Lead me to You. 

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