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My 2023 Intentions

Yep, there's nothing magical about new years, but surely there is something biblical about obedience and new beginnings.

Perhaps, we've all heard about the story of the twelve spies in the book of Numbers in the bible, wherein out of the twelve Israelite men sent to explore Canaan, only Caleb and Joshua stood firm for the promises of God. Despite seeing Anakites (giants) in the land, Joshua and Caleb chose to believe that the land flowing with milk and honey belongs to them, just as God commanded them to take possession of it. Indeed, in the end, the ten spies died in the wilderness and only Joshua and Caleb were able to lead people to the Promise Land.

Moving to 2023 somehow feels like it. God is showing us a great year ahead, however, we need courage to believe that only through God's protection and favor, we can conquer it.

I've recently sat down with friends before 2022 ends to contemplate together all the events and life lessons 2022 showed us. I can't forget what my mentor told me that night, 'FAVOR outweighs HARD WORK.' I sensed in my soul that the Holy Spirit wanted me to carry this thought through 2023. Just exactly what Joshua said in Numbers 14:7-8 when all the rest of the Israelites were too afraid to go, "If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us."

Sometimes, when God is doing a new thing, it is hard to see right away the beauty of it. To be honest, these past few days when 2023 started, I couldn't appreciate the change of season. Everything looks exactly the same. Unlike the past New Years, I didn't feel like jumping with new sets of goals and plans at 12midnight. With a breath of cold smoky air, I just decided to focus my energy on the present moment.

However, when God speaks His words over you and shows to your heart His visions, it's something you can't just simply sit around and shrug off in unbelief. I've been contemplating this for days now. No wonder I can't sleep at peace lately. In my spirit, I really feel like God doesn't want me to step into this year lightly. He wants me to step in with authority. Maybe because He knows that I might be facing big things this year that will require big-girl-decision-making. Or perhaps, He will take me to higher places this year that might shake me if I am not steady enough in standing in His presence.

Whatever that might be, here I am, sitting down in front of the screen, laying down some of my 2023 intentions:


There is freedom in letting go. We've repeatedly heard about this for sure. Probably in one of our favorite Sunday Preachers or favorite Podcast Motivational Speaker. But can I be honest with you? Deep in my heart, sometimes, this stubborn little girl in me always shows up whenever I can't get something I badly want. If you are to look at it, it would be funny to see me throwing tantrums to God whenever I converse with him with my hard headed attitude. I really appreciate how God is so patient with me all these years. But then again, I learned also over the years, that the more you try to manipulate things, the more that they get exhausting. You can't have everything figured out all the time or whenever you want. You can't always be so technical and have instant answers to your questions. This year, I need to increase my faith on His plans and not on my plans. Instead of making God hear me more, I need to listen to Him more intently. And aside from committing to fully trust God this season and to many seasons to come, I should also consider expanding my trust and maybe allow myself to 'just trust' other people as well.


I was once branded as a social butterfly. They say I can easily get along with different people in the crowd. I can fly from petals to petals and share laughs and build small talk with them so easily. They say that that is 'confidence'. It's a pretty good compliment notwithstanding the fact that most times, I prefer to be alone. Most times, I doubt myself, my skills, and talents. In some instances, I'm guilty of doubting even my leadership skills. I had this one remarkable moment during my first day in college. I knew no one in the class, but I decided to raise my hand and nominated myself as president. To my surprise, I won the election. Later on I asked them why they voted me as the president despite barely knowing me as well, they said I look confident and know exactly what I want. In my head, I couldn't help but laugh. If only they knew how I was really trembling that moment and how I instantly regretted the decision to nominate myself after realizing I was not in my territory. I'm miles away from my comfort zone. Even so, that class position taught me great deals and lessons. It gave me the opportunity to explore the areas that I am very afraid of. Up until today, fears and doubts appear from time to time. I had moments when I allowed my fear to weaken me, but this year, I shall say no more to fears. God is with me and I shall not doubt His presence with me. And this is what I consider as 'confidence'.


To count my imperfections, surely, it would take you years to do that. I have tons of it. I'm not always available to anyone but I am demanding when it comes to time. I rarely have time fixing my closet. I can't cook you good food unless it's Adobo. I'm a multitasker which sometimes leads to missing small details. And on a monthly basis, although I know what to do, I let my hormones get the best of me and let myself be difficult to deal with.

These are just few, but one thing I want to do this year, instead of magnifying these imperfections, I'd rather focus on building small positive changes everyday. It will be a huge challenge in consistency, I know. Those daily things that I am targeting ain't glamorous. Those are more than the Instagram snapshots we share to tell our friends that we are reading a new book, starting our gym, or even eating less carbs to say we are on a diet.

These are the ugly realities that I have to face. But if these little details will bring 365 good new changes in me, then, I guess, there's nothing wrong in risking my comforts to it.

*to update

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