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Redesigning Your Life

Isn't it powerful to know that with the right habits and intentions, the narrative of your life can change? The so-called 'current version of yourself' can still improve so long as you are willing to take the painstaking efforts in improving your mind patterns or your habits.

When we invest time and energy into becoming the best version of ourselves, it can open up our world. This is a common knowledge that I'm certain many of us struggled to understand until we entered 'our adult life'. I, for one, reached a point in my life where I gave in to the discomfort of growth and decided to just 'be okay with the bare minimum'. For quite some time, I thought I was treating myself kindly by not pushing myself to step into new boundaries to conquer bigger things. I was okay with it until such time that God allowed me to realize that I am MADE FOR MORE. That this is not just about me anymore. That my world needs a better me. Like growing trees, I accepted the fact that in one way or the other, I have to follow the force of nature. In order to thrive, I have to grow.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Believe that His love has set you free.

There was an instance in my adult life when in trying to please people around me, I tried hard to blend with almost everyone. I was so naive back then that it was so easy for me to say yes even if it meant compromising my values. I danced with the crowd. I patterned my mindset with the world. I defined and measured love based on their standards until such time that it all went pretty messy. Good thing it was not too late when I realized that I was hurting myself and wounding people as well in the process. And yet in the dark, God's love found me.

The moment the Lord revealed to me that I am accountable for my own life and that His grace is much more powerful than my mistakes, I stopped beating myself up. By faith, I was able to see God dusting off the remnants of my mistakes, shame and fears. With my spiritual eyes, I found Him looking at me saying, “I love you. You’re forgiven. You are not your mistake. Learn what you need to. Now move forward. Don’t get stuck here. I have much more in store for you”.

That's when I started becoming wise in allowing people in my life. I became more careful of the influences that I permit. I became more faithful with the resources entrusted to me, and right now, I can confidently say that I am braver to walk away from places that drains my spirit.

Of course, it was not a walk in the park. From time to time, the enemy is luring me back. Hence, whenever I feel like slipping into my old self again, I counter in immediately with God's declaration in Romans 12:2.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Let go of the narratives that no longer serves you.

I overthink a lot. And when I say, a lot , I MEAN A LOT. If you are looking for the fastest way to destroy yourself, I can guarantee that this is the best way to do it. The pictures we put in our minds are powerful. When we cultivate good thoughts, we create good feelings. When we think of pain and fear, it looks more real. The narrative we play in our minds plays a huge role on how we move in this world.

Sometimes, we attach ourselves to certain narratives because of our backgrounds and experiences. We can't blame ourselves nor our past for who we are becoming. Ultimately, we should not allow the fear of the future hold us back from experiencing the good things. I realized that I am disserving myself from doing so. We can change and shape ourselves with the narratives that truly benefit us. The emotions can be deceiving at times. It confuses us. It has a tendency to lead us to make-or-break decisions.

Matthew 6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothes?

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